Throughout my time at UVic, I have had the opportunity to create and collaborate on some exciting projects. Here are a few I found especially interesting!

I took PSYC 100A and needed to come up with a topic for a research paper. Since I wanted to join the Faculty of Education, I created my lesson on the attention span of students. This assignment uses the data from a study that tracked the eye movements of different children watching a video. I then wrote about how I would encourage students to pay attention in a classroom.

In this project for Literacy and Language, I decided to focus on exploratory talk in the classroom. In particular, the question I asked was: “What is exploratory talk? And what strategies are there to implement it into the classroom?” Within this project, I read three articles to find different strategies to include exploratory talk in the classroom and a question for further inquiry.

In Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Canadian Education, for the final project, I created a school system that took ideas from both Alexander Neill and John Dewey. Within this proposal, I created the aims of the school and designed how the curriculum would work.

I am really interested in Social Emotional Learning (SELs) and self-regulation and how I can implement them into a classroom. To persue my interest, I created a slide show based on information I learned on my Wednesday visits about the benefits of learning SELs and why every child should learn about their emotions.

In my art class, the final project was to create an art portfolio focussing on all of the work we created in class and the artists that we critiqued. This portfolio has all of the instructions for the projects as well as some extra resources that help as an art teacher.

For this project, Lauryn, Madeline, and I decided to focus more on sleep and finding resources that would help us teach it to children. Through this project, I gained a lot of different resources and also some background information as to what happens when we sleep.

For this inquiry, we were allowed to choose any topic, so I chose elementary art projects. Each blog post has a grade that corresponds to an art project. I have also tried all of the art projects, so I say whether or not I would actually use them in a classroom.